Wednesday 12 March 2014

Meet your 2014 Committee: Convenors

This year we have a new committee, so we thought it would be nice to say hi and let you know a little about us!

Hi there, I'm Kirsty and this year I'm one half of the creative convenor duo! When I'm not helping come up with great professional development ideas with the ALIA Sydney team, I'm studying for my degree and working at a number of special libraries. 
I decided to get involved with ALIA Sydney after attending one of their events and meeting some of the lovely committee members at the time. I also work primarily in corporate and other special libraries, and want to make sure that the special's voice is heard when it comes to professional development. 
Hope to see you at one of our events this year. We have some great events ahead!

Kirsty Butler

Co-Convenor, ALIA Sydney

Hi - I'm Amy, the other half of the dynamic convenor duo! I'm a Senior Librarian at CQUniversity, managing the Sydney campus library. I'm *slightly* obsessed with a certain fictional character, which is pretty easy to guess from the photo.

I joined the ALIA Sydney committee in 2012 after attending some fantastic events in 2011 which prompted me to actively contribute to (as well as benefit from) the professional development opportunities ALIA Sydney offers.

This year will be an exciting one for ALIA Sydney, and I look forward to seeing you at our events.

Amy Croft

Co-Convenor, ALIA Sydney

You can reach us, and the rest of the committee, at 

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